Wednesday 2 February 2011

Last weeks training

I had intended to do a good 60 to 65miles last week (ended up doing 50), but as I couldn't quite get myself out of bed early enough on Saturday morning had to settle for 18miles and not the planned 25 (but did do mile 18 in about 6.50). This was actually a good thing as it meant I got home earlier and then we took the kids swimming, well they swam and I did my best to stop them from drowning me (good fun). Sunday's run was also a shorter than planned outing but went for quality rather than quantity so 8miles in total 6 of those at 7:05min mile, felt pretty good.
This week is about just ticking over in preperation for the Thames Trot Ultra (approx 50miles) on Sat 5th Feb, so easy run on Monday at the Gym and a few weights, and have just got in from an easy 4miles this evening. Rest up now until Saturday, looking forward to meeting up with Jerry and George, hopefully in Oxford on Friday evening, but if not then on the start line saturday morning, I am sure we will run a few miles together and have a chat and catch up. Part of the reason I really like Ultra's, the friends you get to make on the way round. 


  1. It is probably a good thing that you did have a shortened week last week. I was on a natural cycle down week which luckily coincided with the Thames Trot this week.
    With rested legs I was amazed how I was doing 8.00 min/miles on a hilly course without even realising.
    I am sure we will be running than a few miles together on Saturday as we have a lot to catch up on and discuss plans for your BIG one in April :-)

  2. guess what. I ran 5km today, first run since the leg break.
