Wednesday, 12 January 2011

ultraBobban is on the mend

My friend Rob (ultraBobban) fell over in the ice aout 6 weeks ago and sustained a triple fracture to his lower leg/ankle. This was obviously a big setback for him and from a selfish point of view also for me as i had planned to attack some pretty big ultras this year with the big guy. I am pleased to say he has healed at such a phenomenal rate that he has been given a weight bearing cast well ahead of schedule as he had been told he would be on crutches for 6months!!!!!! I am really pleased for him and he has ben extremely positive throughtout (Rob is known for his positive mental atttitude or PMA) and updating his blog with no sense of self pity. His blog ( is well worth a look, and his love of photography means some really great photos (unlike my blog!!).

I look forward to hitting some trail marathons and ultras with him in the not so distant future.


  1. Cheers Dave. Really appreciate a blog entry on my comeback. Am now in an aircast and yesterday have taken a few steps (hobbles) and spend 50 mins on the exercise bike. Coming back has never felt so good!

  2. Whooppeee, I was wondering how long it would take you to get a blog :-)

    Great news about Rob although the pictures are a bit gruesome not his leg, his face :-P
